Chapter 1 'An Astrologer's Day' Solutions
( Brainstorming A3 & A4)
Maharashtra board class 12 English Chapter 1 An Astrologer's Day Solutions are given here. It can be a great help to the students for self-study. Instant solution for activities with simple language and easy vocabulary helps to remember. This study material will definitely save your valuable time that you can invest in exam preparation.
All activities are given below with its solution.
Maharashtra board class 12 English Chapter 1 An Astrologer's Day Question and answers
(Click here for Explanation)
Activity 3
(i) In the story, the following characters reveal their qualities through words and actions. Pick out the words that describe them from the box and write in the appropriate columns.
(i) Match the suffixes with the words and make nouns. One is done for you.
(ii) 'An Astrologer's Day' has ironic elements where the astrologer pretends to have 'supernatural knowledge that coincidently turns out to be the truth.
Irony means a situation or statement characterized by a significant difference between what is expected and what actually happens, or between
what is understood and what is meant.
Find out the examples of irony from the story and write them down. One has been done for you.
(a) He knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself the next minute.
(b) He was as much a stranger to the star as his innocent customers were.
(c) The astrologer himself was a culprit to whom his own client was searching for.
(d) “Most of your troubles are due to your nature. How can you be otherwise with Saturn where he is? You have an impetuous nature and a rough exterior.”
iv) In the story, many Indian words are used.
◼ 'Cowrie shells'. This is an example of code-mixing
Find out other such words from the story and write them down.
- anna
- rupee
- cheroot
- jutaka
(v) There are some phrases where the word crown is used with different shades of meaning. Use the following phrases to complete the sentences meaningfully. One is done for you.
To crown the effect, he wound a saffron-colored turban around his
(a) The works of Shakespeare are the crowning glory of English drama
(b) Amitabh has given us awesome movies throughout five decades. But his crowning achievement is his performance in the movie 'Black'.
(c) In her pursuit of success, Radha has distanced herself from her family.
Her fame has become a real crown of thorns.
(d) They threw a wonderful party for me with costumes, games and to crown it all
my favorite kind of ice cream.
(e) Medical science has great inventions, but organ transplantation is definitely
a crowning achievement for human beings.
Activity 3
(i) Word Usage
Use the words given in the brackets and rewrite the sentences.
(a) The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced. (enhancement)
Ans: There was a considerable enhancement in the power of his eyes.
(b) He had a working analysis of mankind's troubles. (worked)
Ans: He had worked out on an analysis of mankind's troubles.
(c) He knew what was going to happen to himself the next minute. (happening)
Ans: He knew what could be happening to himself the next minute.
(d) If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees?
Ans: If my answers give you satisfaction, will you give me five rupees?
(e) He shook his head regretfully. (regret)
Ans: He shook his head with regret.
() It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays. (bewildered)
Ans: Crisscross of light rays had bewildered it.
(g) I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well," exclaimed the other, overwhelmed by enthusiasm. (enthusiastically)
Ans: I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well," exclaimed the other enthusiastically.
(h) You tried to kill him. (killing)
Ans: You tried killing him.
(i) I will prepare some nice stuff for her. (preparation)
Ans: I will do preparation for some nice stuff for her.
g)The other groaned on hearing it. (heard)
Ans: The other heard it and he groaned.