Class 12 and 11| How to write a summary | with example

Hello scholars, in this article I'm going to explain how to write a summary? But before that let's understand what the summary is and its importance?

Summary Writing

Maharashtra state board Class 12th and 11th English: Writing Skills 

How to write summary

What does summary writing mean? 

    Writing a summary means creating a shorter or smaller version of the original text without losing any of its key points. While writing a summary we just have to focus on the main points and remove extra unnecessary content, which gives length to the text.

Importance of summarizing: 

    Summary writing is a very important skill. It is not only a way of evaluating your academics but also a life skill that helps you in your career also. Summarizing has importance for other reasons too. It makes your reading faster. It improves vocabulary as you draft it in your sentences.  It improves your critical thinking.

    Following are some steps for summary writing. 


        Before drafting the summary read it carefully. Read the text twice. It includes skimming and scanning.


    While reading the extract the first time you have to skim the text. Now, what does skimming mean? Skimming means running your eyes on the text to quickly know the central idea of the text. Don't go too deep just try to grasp the key point. A minute is sufficient for that.

Let's understand with an example-

 Below is the text to summarize. Now just read it quickly but with proper attention. 

Writing summary example

Now we understand the passage is about Communication. 


    While reading the text a second time you have to scan the text. Scanning means running through the text with some questions. While scanning, ask the questions yourself like what it is about? What are the details given in each paragraph? What is unnecessary in particular paragraphs, like examples, descriptions, details, such as dates, numbers or statistics, etc.? What should be the appropriate title? Then, while scanning underlines the keywords. It will be helpful in your next step. you can note it down on the last page of answer sheets or in the margins of question paper with a pencil.

Let's apply this to the above example-

Summary writing Scanning a text example

Here we underlined the key point keeping the above questions in mind.

Drafting a summary:

    Now you have a central idea of the text. It's key points or keywords which you underlined. Start drafting it in your own words. 

    Start your summary with an introductory sentence.  Then go through the key points or keywords. Make meaningful sentences using those points. Don't use the sentence as it is. Try to express in your own words without changing its main concepts.  Here are some tips for drafting a summary. Try them.

Tips for drafting a summary:

  • You can combine one or two sentences so that you get shorter sentences.
  • Use one word for several words.  
  • Don't just copy-paste the content. Try to rephrase it.  

  • Omit all the examples, illustrations, quotations, figures of speech, any ornamental language from the original text. 
  • The most important thing I observed in my teaching career that generally students do is adding their own interpretation or opinion in summary. Don't do this. The summary should be a reflection of the original text but in brief.
  • Don't use any abbreviations to shorten the text. 
  • Avoid the repetition of the words.


    Giving a suitable title to the summarized text is important. To find a suitable title Identify repetitions. If certain words are repeated throughout the text, it means the whole paragraph is related to that word.

Final Drafting:

    Now your summary is ready. Just recheck that have you missed any important points from the original text?  Likewise, read your summary and check that your summary flows well. It should not feel like you dumped a bunch of sentences in one para to make it short. It should have a proper sense. So that purpose linking words will be helpful to you. 

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 Now let's take the above example and finish the summary.

Summary of the above example

    Communication is a part of our everyday life. like us Animals, too interact with one another via a verbal or non-verbal method. Singing is one of them. Male blackbirds sing a song to attract the females and to keep away other blackbirds from their territory. Sea mammals, whales groan and grunt, dolphins, and porpoises produce pings, whistles, and clicks to communicate with other mates.

We summarise the text. Let's see what changes we made here.

    Firstly, we use the introductory sentence as its. Then with the help of keywords, we try to compose a new paragraph. 

The sentence from the original text-
'We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals, too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal or non-verbal.'

we shorten it as -

    Like us Animals, too interact with one another via a verbal or non-verbal method.

     That's it. we didn't make any changes in meaning what we have done here is just remove all other unnecessary content. Unnecessary content is a word or sentence whose presence or absence does not affect the main concept of the sentence. 

Secondly, The sentence -

'Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another.'

is shorten as-

Singing is one of them.

    Here we avoid the repetition of the word 'interact with one another.'

Then, the sentence- 

'Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of the females. These songs are usually rich in note variation, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce.'


Male blackbirds sing a song to attract the females and to keep away other blackbirds from their territory. 

    Here we used one word 'attract' instead of  'catch the attention of'. Likewise, we removed all the adjectives, like melodious encoded, etc.

    Now let's find its title. 'Interaction' 'communication' these words are repeated in the paragraph. It means the paragraph is about communication. But about which communication is talked about? Yes, you are right. About the communication between animals. So 'Communication between animals' will be the title of the paragraph.

Finally, if we read the summary again we will realize that it has a flow of sentences. It doesn't look cluttered.


    To conclude, a summary is the shortened form of the original text, focusing on only main points. with certain steps, we can write an effective summary.

    So, students, I hope now you got an idea about how to write a summary? Whatever career you choose in the future you have to summarize. So keep practicing it because 'Practice makes a man perfect.' Regular practice will make you master summary writing. All the best.

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  1. Thanks for this information . I will use this method in my exams 🙂

  2. :> ty, hope it helps in my exam lol

  3. Thank you so much I have exam today and it helped me:))

  4. Today is the final exam. And this really helps to understand the summary writing concept. Thanks a lot Mam

  5. Wow... So great method

  6. Awsome , really helpful .
