Drafting an email | explanation and format with example | Writing skill for class 11 and 12

 Email writing Format with examples

 For class 11 and class 12

Hello scholars, welcome to the HSC exam guide. In this section we are going to learn the topic related to writing skill, that is email writing. Here I am going to discuss what email writing is?, its importance, format of email writing and do's and don'ts while writing a mail.

   Today's world is the world of technology. In each field you find digitalization similarly in communication also, there are lots of changes that have been taken through digital use. Communication has become very easy. Today's world is so fast people want everything in a quick manner to fulfil this requirement, the letters are replaced with emails. So learning email writing skills is the most important part of today's education. Let's understand it. 

Useful books for class 11 and 12 English/Spoken english

email writing format and drafting

What is email?

Email stands for electronic mail. It is the way of sending messages digitally. We can say it is the replacement of letters. Nowadays it is one of the most commonly used to send messages on the internet as it is the very easiest and fastest method of communication.

Types of email

We can divide emails into three different categories. The first one is formal email, second is Semi-formal email and third one is informal email. These are the different types of email.

  • Formal email 

It includes the need based official messages you want to convey. It may be regarding a job application, requesting, permission, the tone of such email is formal, the content of  email should be short and simple, similarly the subject should be stated clearly just in one sentence.

  • Semi formal email 

The language of semi formal email can be a little bit casual or friendly but the purpose of writing email is official. The  examples of semi formal email are the emails that contain complaints or requests for any public services. These are the emails that arise out of once civil duty or once desire to get involved in public issues.

  • Informal email

This type of email we use while communicating with our friends and family members. There are no restrictions on the use of language.

Email writing format

Below is the format of email writing.

writing an email

Other Topics: 

In this format you will find different components let's discuss them one by one

From - in this section the email ID of the person who is sending mail has to be mentioned.

 (Note : The letters of the email must be in small letters.)

To -  in this section the mail ID to whom the mail has to be sent should be written.

Cc - Cc means 'carbon copy'. Here you can place the mail ID to get a carbon copy of the same mail on that Id. 

Bcc - It stands for blind carbon copy it is similar to the CC. The only difference is that the recipients of this mail will not be listed in the message header.

Subject- this line contains the subject line of the mail it should be mentioned clearly and shortly.


 [Some examples of subject line--

  • Application for the post of HR manager
  • Application to get bonafide certificate.
  • Informational interview request.
  • About insufficient transport in our locality.]

Salutation- Using an appropriate salutation is a must. You can use dear Mr./ Mrs. last name or you can mention the receiver by his designation, for example dear manager, dear sir, or dear principal etc.

Main body- This is the main component of the mail that conveys the message. It should be properly designed according to the purpose of mail. Here you can give an explanation or provide details regarding the subject.

We can divide this section into three parts or paragraphs.

  1. Intro- The first paragraph should be an introduction of the subject where you briefly mention the topic you are writing an email. While writing an intro, be clear and direct. It should be in a pleasant and simple language. If you are applying for a job , mention the job title, from where you come to know about the job. Give reference about the advertisement with date and source.

  2. Main body- this is the second paragraph where you can explain the topic in detail or give necessary information regarding the subject. If you are applying for a job, mention briefly the most important qualification relevant for the job, you have. write about your skill, describe what you have to offer the employer. if you are writing a complaint then write a problem you are facing and mention the solution if you have you can also request to solve that problem. 

  3. Conclusion- This is the final paragraph of email where you conclude your mail by thanking the recipient for considering mail.

Complimentary close - Here use the words like yours faithfully, yours sincerely for official use or use yours sincerely, yours lovingly your friend, if writing to a friend or relatives. Following this, mention your name with your last name and your designation.

Attachment- if you have attached any document with mail then the list of those documents should be enclosed here.


copy of secondary certificate 

copy of MSCIT 

copy of birth certificate

Some expressions for formal job application email- 

  • I wish to apply for the post of….

  • I should like to offer myself as a candidate for the post of…

  • I am happy to offer myself as a candidate for the post of……

  • With reference to the advertisement in The Times of India dated…. I would like to apply for the post of….. in your reputed concern

  • If I am selected for the job I assure you of efficient and loyal service.

  • If I am selected I shall try my best to satisfy the authorities.

  • Hoping to receive a favorable response from you at your earliest.

  • I am confident of sending up to your expectations.

  • If I am considered eligible I shall be happy to call you on you any time convenient to you.

  • Given an opportunity I promise to strive for the satisfaction of my employees.

Do's and Don'ts

  • While writing email language should be simple and clear

  • Subject line must be clear and brief.

  • Keep your mail short and flawless, stay always concise.

  • Always use professional salutations

  • The mail ID should be in small letters only.

  • Recheck your email before sending it.

  • Check your attachments before sending.

  • Keep private material confidential.

  • Include your name or a signature with additional details and contact information.

  • Give Punctuation mark correctly.

  • Don't use humor or sarcasm.

  • Don't overwrite or over explain the points.

  • Don't Forget your signature

  • Don't forward email without permission.

  • Don't assume the recipient knows what you are talking about.

Marking scheme for email writing.

Content  –  02

Use  of Proper Format -  01

Overall  Presentation  –  01  

Total  –  04 Marks

Examples of formal email ( Job application)

  1. Apply through email for the post of English teacher to teach class 11th and 12th. Email to the chairman of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara (rayatshikshanorg@gmail.com) . Use the information given below.

  • Name of the candidate - Soumitra Roy 

  • Education - M. A. English from Pune University, B.Ed. from S.P. college, Pune

  • Experience- 2 years


From - Soumitra35@gmail.com

To - rayatshikshanorg@gmail.com

Subject - Application for the post of English teacher.

The Chairman,

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,


Dear sir,

With reference to the above subject, I would like to apply for the post of an English teacher for standard 11th and 12th in any of your branches located in Pune.

    I am a BA honors in English literature with distinction and I have completed my master degree with first class. I acquired b.Ed degree from S.P. College with distinction. With a good academic record I have acquired 85 percent in my bachelor's degree and 69 in master degree. In B.Ed my methods of teaching were English and environment. I have 2 years experience of teaching at Orchid coaching classes Baner.

  If I get an opportunity I will give my best to provide quality education to the students. I am requesting you to kindly consider my application.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Soumitra Roy

19, Eklavya society,

Pune-  411045


  1. Copies of degree certificates.

  2. Copy of experience certificate.

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