12th Class: On saying please


12th Class: On Saying Please

class 12 english brainstorming

Activity 1

(i) Form groups and explain the following words with examples.

  1. Humility- the quality of being humble Ex. He showed humility by giving credit for his success to his parents.

  2. Self-esteem- evaluation of our own worth / good opinion about ourselves. Ex. Self-esteem is the most important factor in personality development

  3. Gratitude- being thankful. Ex. I express my gratitude to God for giving me such a beautiful life.

  4.  Courtesy- showing politeness. Ex. While dealing with strangers we use common courtesy but what about our dear ones?

  5. Generosity- the quality of being kind and unselfish. Ex. It is his generosity that he helps aged people in this covid 19 pandemic.

  6. Sympathy- feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. Ex. People feel sympathy for poor children.

  7. Empathy- the ability to understand other's feelings. Ex. She feels empathy for beggars as she is so emotional.

Activity 2

(i) Read the text and state whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the False statements.

  1. Bitter problems in day-to-day life can be solved by sweet words. Answer: True 

  2. Great wars could have been avoided by a little courtesy.                                                    Answer: True 

  3. Observance of etiquette in a normal situation is important but more important is their observance when the situation is adverse.                                                                         Answer: True 

  4. Words like 'please' and 'thank you' help us in making our passage through life uneasy.  Answer: False                                                                                                                  Correct sentence:- Words like 'please' and 'thank you' help us in making our passage through life easy. 

  5. The law permits anybody to use violence if another person is discourteous.             Answer: False                                                                                                   Correct sentence:- The law doesn’t permit anybody to use violence if another person is discourteous.

(ii) Select the most appropriate sentences which suggest the theme of the essay.

  1. The essay tells us about courtesy, civility, morality, responsibility, and control.

  2. The essay explores the difficulties that can be incurred by an individual when dealing with the public.

  3. One can keep one’s peace of mind without having to lower themselves to the level of the perceived offender.

  4. People with low self-esteem are generally difficult to work with and they look down upon others to get a feeling of superiority.


  1. The essay tells us about courtesy, civility, morality, responsibility, and control.

  2. One can keep one’s peace of mind without having to lower themselves to the level of the perceived offender.

(iii) (a) Find the reasons for the liftman's uncivilized behavior.

Answer: Reasons behind the liftman's uncivilized behavior

  1. He was hurt by the passenger's behavior
  2. Perhaps he regarded the passenger’s discourtesy as a slur upon his social standing.
  3. The passengers' behavior wounded his self-respect.
  4. He became impatient as he couldn't bear his insult.

(b) List the people and their behavior that made the passenger rude and


Answer:- Housemaid 🠞  Cook 🠞 Wife 🠞 The employer 🠞The passenger 🠞The Lift-man

12th class on saying please

(iv) Good manners are required in our daily life for making our social contacts more cooperative and friendly. Illustrate the behavior of the polite conductor with different people in various situations.



1. The writer’s sensitive toe was trampled on.

The conductor said sorry with an apology and courtesy.

2. In the rainy season dealing with people

The conductor helped them by giving them a tip about the room inside.

3. Dealing with old people

The conductor was kindly and cooperative as the son.

4. Dealing with children

He was also careful and concerned with children as a father.

5. Dealing with young people

He was very friendly and respectful with the young ones and enjoys fun with them.

6. Dealing with a blind man

He was very helpful to the blind people; he not only set them down safely but also took them across the road or around the corner.

(v) Discuss and write the impact of good temper and kindliness on the society
in the light of the good-mannered conductor.

Answer:- The writer says like bad manners, good manners are also infectious. If we are surrounded by well-mannered people like the polite conductor then we too behave politely. As it happened in the case of the writer. Though the writer was hurt badly, he assured the conductor that he didn't hurt him as the conductor is a nice, good-natured person. Similarly, his polite and helping nature create a joyous atmosphere. So people also feel happy and they also spread happiness. In this way, the whole society will be happy and joyful. 

(vi) 'A modest calling can be made dignified by good temper and kindly feeling'.

Explain the statement with examples.

Answer: Being modest is the basic requirement of our society. Whatever position or occupation you have acquired in society, it can be dignified by behaving with good and cheerful manners. Small gestures can make people happy. It also sweetens the atmosphere.

For example, the watchman’s job can also be made more dignified if he welcomes people with a smile and with the words like ‘thank you’ ‘good morning’.

(vii) The service of the police is necessary for the implementation of law in our society. Do you think you require this service for a good social environment?

Answer:- No doubt The service of the police is necessary for the betterment of society. But more than that it is the general responsibility of the citizens. If the people will follow the ethics of the society then the world can stand uniformly. Because the law can definitely protect us against material attack but in case of restore civilities, neither law nor physical violence will help us.

Other Topics 

Activity 3

 (i) He committed the crime in broad daylight (not bright daylight or narrow darkness).

 I had a cup of strong tea (not rich tea).

 The fast train is coming (not quick train).

Such words or group of words which habitually occur together and thereby convey meaning by association are called collocations. A collocation is a combination of words in a language that often go together.

(a) Find out the words in column 'B' which collocate with the words in column 'A'.




mid day


















(b) Learning collocations is essential for making your English sound fluent and

natural. Make collocations and use in your own sentences.

class 12th english chapter 1.2

(ii) Sometimes while using a word in a sentence, we have to change its word

class. We can make several more words from the root word.

We can make several new words from the root word.

Read the following sentences and use the words given in the brackets.

Change the word class and rewrite the sentences.

(Answers are given directly.)


Leena was eating a very crunchy apple and obviously enjoying it


This picture looks colorful.


I’m afraid that your behavior is just not acceptable.


I like my elder brother. He is very helpful.

Complete the following table. Put a cross if a word-class does not exist.

Sr. No. 


















































(iii) Register often refers to the degree of formality of language, but in a more general sense, it means the language used by a group of people who share similar work or interests, such as doctors or lawyers. 

In every situation, you use an appropriate expression according to the person. The language you use when you meet someone depends on their age, position, etc. There are formal and informal registers in spoken and written language. 

Write appropriate expressions and words which you have to use while facing an interview.

(a) May I come in?

(b)I can___

(c)If given an opportunity___


(e)I look forward to___

Thank you

You are writing a letter of complaint. List the proper expressions that you would like to write.

(a) I disagree.

(b) I am distressed to find that_____

(c)I am writing to express my concern about____

(d)I hope you sort out the matter___

(e)I feel you have a responsibility to____

(iv) Distinguish between a legal offence and a moral offence on the basis of the given text.

Legal offence

Moral offence


Rude behaviour









(v) Find out the meanings of the following phrases. Use them in your own


  1. give and take - mutual concession or compromises                                                        Sentence: The process of give and take information plays a vital role in communication.

  2. get a black eye: giving a blemish to one’s reputation/ an injury to the prestige of someone

    Sentence: Females are always dominated and get a black eye from society.

  3. lower than the angels: less than perfect

    Sentence God created the man who is lower than the angel.

  4.  knock someone down- to hit someone and make him fall to the ground.

    He caught the thief and knocked him down.

(vi) Find out the words with prefixes and suffixes from the text and write them down.















(vii) Complete the table with polite expressions that we must use in our day-

to-day life.



I want a cup of tea. 

I would like to have a cup of tea.

Send me the mail.

Please send me the mail.

Go away or leave me alone.

Please let me be alone.

You are wrong.

I disagree with your opinion.

That's a bad idea.

I think, It could not be a good idea.

Your work isn't good.

you need to improve your work.

Activity 4

 (i) Edit the given paragraph using a/an/wherever necessary.

Rakesh is an ideal son who remains devoted to his father as he grows professionally to become a famous doctor. As his father grows old, he takes care to spend time with his father, bringing him tea in the morning and taking him out for a walk in the evening.

(ii) Spot the errors in each of the following sentences and correct the incorrect
  1. Radha brought pens and distributed them between her five children.

    Answer:  Radha brought pens and distributed them among her five children.

  2. Jayshree and Sujata sat beside each other in complete silence.

     Answer: Jayshree and Sujata sat beside each other in complete silence.

  3. His best friend Vijay was blind within one eye.

     Answer: His best friend Vijay was blind with one eye.

  4. One could dare to encroach on his rights.

     Answer: One could dare to encroach upon his rights.

  5. She was taken with surprise when she saw the famous Taj Mahal.

    Answer: She was taken by surprise when she saw the famous Taj Mahal.

  6. It is not possible to exchange the goods once the sale has been completed.

     Answer: It is not possible to exchange goods once the sale has been completed.

  7. Dr. Sengupta has been trying to master the craft for the last five years.

     Answer: No error.

  8. The top-ranking candidates will be appointed in senior jobs in banks.

    Answer: The top-ranking candidates will be appointed to the senior jobs in banks.

  9. She knows very well what is expected from her but she is unable to Perform.

    Answer: No error.

  10. They will put on a note in this regard for your consideration.

    Answer: They will put a note in this regard for your consideration.

(iii) Read the following sentence.

Santosh purchased a computer. He read the operating manual and followed the instructions.

(a) He linked the monitor, keyboard and printer.

(b) He plugged in the main cable .

(c) He switched on the monitor at the back.

(d) When the light appeared on the screen, he placed the Day Disk in Drive A.

(e) He pushed in the disk until the button clicked out.

(It took about 30 seconds for the computer to load the programme.)

(f) He pressed the Drive button and the disk shot out .

(g) He replaced the Day Disk with the Document Disk.

(h) He pressed function key 7.

Convert these sentences into passive voice by filling in the blanks. The first sentence has been done as an example.

Firstly the monitor, keyboard and printer were linked up. Then the main cable was plugged in. The monitor was switched on at the back. When the light appeared on the screen,the Day Disk was placed in Drive A. The disk was pushed in until the button clicked out. It took the computer 30 seconds to load the programme. The drive button was pressed and the disk shot out. The Day Disk was replaced with the Document Disk. Finally, the function key 7 was pressed. The word processor was then ready to use.

Following are the links of institutions where you will get the courses related to soft skills. 

(a) Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

(b) Indian School of Business Management, Hyderabad

(c) XLRI- Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur

(d) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi

Jobs  opportunities available at -

• Customer service centre

• Management schools

• Hotel industry

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